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🌲 It’s Not Just a Pretty Gimmick: In Defense of Obsidian’s Graph View

Obsidian's graph view helps judge maturity of article ideas, source usefulness, & which parts of my workflow are surprisingly valuable.

Eleanor's graph view
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🌲 Using Research Rabbit for Worldbuilding Research

Showcasing the Research Rabbit portion of my Research Rabbit ⇶ Zotero ⇶ workflow for deep dives into obscure history & biology.

white rabbit
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🌲 How to Evaluate Stuff You Learn on the Internet

Rules of thumb for figuring out whether what you're learning from the internet is a useful truth or dangerous misinformation.

Japanese waterwheel photo by Terence Starkey on Unsplash
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🌲 The Konik Philosophy of Gardening, Digital & Otherwise

Notetaking guides, like gardening guides, are often very regimented. But sometimes you need to dive in & figure out what works for you.

🌲 The Konik Philosophy of Gardening, Digital & Otherwise
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🌲 Literature Reviews: The Value of Gestalt Reflection

It's worth summarizing an entire work not just "in your own words" but with an emphasis on reframing it and focusing on what matters to you.

book on table
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Ask Me Anything Answers from the LYT House

My notes are now public, you can buy my fiction, and I did a live Q&A with the Obsidian community on how it all came together.

glasses on open book with coffee
Members Public
Ghost Tips: My Experiences Running a Self-Hosted Newsletter

Self-hosted ghost isn't easy, but if you've got technical skills & are looking for a cheap, lightweight newsletter with membership tiers...

ghost hiding under a blanket in a dark room
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🌲The Difficulties of Teaching Critical Thinking

Teaching critical thinking in an optimal way is pretty hard when a course has a strict content or assessment focused pacing guide.

globe and old books
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🌲 Using Obsidian For Writing Fiction & Notes

A roundup of resources for using the markdown-based notetaking app to write fiction and manage worldbuilding-related notes.

🌲 Using Obsidian For Writing Fiction & Notes
Members Public
🌲 The Difficulties of Teaching Notetaking

Teaching notetaking to kids who don't need to take notes is a recipe for frustration for everyone... when school is still easy.

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash