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Story & Analysis

Speculative fiction is a great way to learn obscure history & science, to say nothing of its value for interrogating society & ethics.

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Laxatives, confections, & stimulating pies

Photo of rhubarb by Emma-Jane Hobden on Unsplash
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Burnt ships along the path to conquest

Photo of beached ship by Serinus from Pexels
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Fortifications originally protected us from nature

 Photo of desert landform by Ian Beckley from Pexels
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The Laundress & the Fungal Growth

The art of getting clothes clean is basically magic

Photo of woman in garden by Enric Cruz López from Pexels
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Cows, thunder, & how ancients exploited ceremonial roles

Photo of bloody tree by Julian Paolo Dayag via Unsplash
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Moderation, addiction, & weird ways to overdose

Photo of poppy flowers by Farrinni of Unsplash
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War brides when the fighting is done

Photo of Fox in Rocks by Mario Nöth from Pexels
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The danger-sweet scent of fresh rain

Photo of desert lightning storm via Wendy Wei at Pexels
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From hunting friend to wartime foe

Photo of bird in tree by Mark Timberlake.
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Scientific advancement is natural and dangerous

Photo of milk, egg, and wheat.