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Obsidian Roundup

Weekly Obsidian News, focused on community updates, new plugins, workflow guides, themes, ancillary tools & code. Find out more about the Roundup writing process, or check out this list of curated resources for a meta list of tips, high-level guides, and tools.

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🌠 Bulk Rename, Cleanup Routines & Mobile git

There's an upcoming discussion of daily logs, a new jira integration, and a job opportunity from the folks at Readwise right as Obsidian's team expanded too :)

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🌠 Tabs and a new Default Theme

Dataview has its own channel and I can’t access Discord until next week.

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🌠 Visual Notetaking Guides & Demo Vaults for Managers

You can now push notes to Readwise's Reader app for improved spaced repetition review. You can also comment on the Roundup!

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🌠 Mobile Git Backups & a Hotkey Keyboard Map

A new tool for diffing PDFs, a new method for managing RPG campaigns, and guides for using Obsidian with Devonthink or Dendron.

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🌠 Dataview to Mermaid & PDF conversions

Sync highlights and annotations from Raindrop & execute codeblocks interactively, a la Jupyter.

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🌠 Quick Share & a new Minimalist Theme

Group snippets for one-click activation, compare tags and folders, & improve your inline metadata.

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🌠 Obsidian Shirts, Grouped Tasks & 1-min Guides

New ways to group tasks, customizable spaced repetition buttons, & default theme discussions.

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🌠 Boolean Task Queries & Improved Sidebar Controls

Plugin settings design tips & productivity book recommendations.

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🌠 Roadmap updates, OCR & Podcast notes

There were so many new guides and showcases I had to group them by topic: daily notes, dashboards, academic uses, links vs. folders, etc.

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🌠 Dashboards & Tips for Students, Studying & Sales

Discussions about quick capture methods, including inboxes, daily notes, and logs. Methods for copying shell commands, and metadata manipulation plugins.