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Folklore Ancient & Modern

Gremlins & road gators

Gremlins, a modern myth... and children's book by Roald Dahl.
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Immigration & Trade

The differences between Baltimore & New York City

Midtown Manhattan at night is beautiful, but I wouldn't want to live there.
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Heroes and Parenting

The ascendancy of Achilles over Hawkeye

Achilles chose heroism instead of parenting
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Big Ideas & Bad Characters

TV Show Review: Earth 2

Earth 2 had a great premise, but I thought the cast was lackluster.
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From Conclusions to Reasons

The importance of context in ethics

The Greeks of Athens established the beginnings of many ethical systems.
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Giants in War

Frost Giants & Firbolgs

Many of Ireland's mythical early settlers were considered giants.
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Distinctions of Colony & Empire

Battling man, battling nature, & settling ethically

My favorite part of the Pocahontas story is when she goes to England with her husband John Rolfe, runs into John Smith, and i
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Curious Disasters

Failed marriages in folklore

A rose was nearly Beauty's undoing in Beauty and the Beast.
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Mythology as Science

Fermi's paradox, cryptozoology, & mangled oral traditions

The satellite from which the SETI messages were sent into space.
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History Becomes Myth

Exaggeration is a powerful memetic force

George Washington admitting he chopped the cherry tree.