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Laxatives, confections, & stimulating pies

Photo of rhubarb by Emma-Jane Hobden on Unsplash
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Maritime Disasters

Sunken ships, small storms, & other cerulean crises

Maritime Disasters
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Sumptuary Laws

Counterfeit coral, regulated umbrellas & broken blades

 Photo of pattered silk by maadhuri g from Pexels
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Cows, thunder, & how ancients exploited ceremonial roles

Photo of bloody tree by Julian Paolo Dayag via Unsplash
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Moderation, addiction, & weird ways to overdose

Photo of poppy flowers by Farrinni of Unsplash
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War brides when the fighting is done

Photo of Fox in Rocks by Mario Nöth from Pexels
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Cheese is surprisingly gross — but useful

Photo of cheese via Alexander Maasch of Unsplash.
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Ten Species that Changed Our World

Book Review: Tamed by Alice Roberts

photo of four roosters
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Sweet scents & old, stubborn roots

Photo of Pink Roses by Adrianna Calvo from Pexels
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The Offer

Wars are won in the hearts of men

Photo of snowy terrain near the sea by Sami Anas from Pexels