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Female Judges as Rulers

Biblical Deborah & Andamana of the Canary Islands

Deborah and Barak against Sisera
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Women & Militaristic Cultures

The relationship between fierce reputations and women's rights

Tuareg men are fierce, but their women hold more power than most.
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The Importance of Africa

An education in civic duty & career training

Timbuktu became an important city due to trade. The impact of trade is kinda important to understand.
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Distinctions of Colony & Empire

Battling man, battling nature, & settling ethically

My favorite part of the Pocahontas story is when she goes to England with her husband John Rolfe, runs into John Smith, and i
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Religion & War in Myth Cycles

The prevalence of war in important religious texts

Battle of Kurukshetra from the Bhagavad Gita.