📰 The Intricacies of Ivory
Explore elephant, narwhal, hippo, walrus ivory's captivating history & uses in jewelry, tools, games, & trade.
📰 On Famines: why and how they happen. To who?
Agrarian societies experience famine for a variety of reasons, including poor governance, war, and weather.
📰 Food as Currency
On the origins of agriculture, money, & currency
📰 Carthaginian Connections
An overview of cultures Carthage interacted with
📰 Social Signaling
Historical tips for worldbuilding realistic symbolism
Ancient Identities
Historical tips for worldbuilding complex cultures
Ancient Priests
Practical impacts of early experts
All The Things that Trees Can Be
From homes & magic roads to natural air conditioners
Ancient Princesses
Diplomatic agents & religious leaders
Civilizations Thrive in Adverse Environments
Survival when the challenges seem insurmountable