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Sumptuary Laws

Counterfeit coral, regulated umbrellas & broken blades

 Photo of pattered silk by maadhuri g from Pexels
Members Public

Hot stones, doomed domes, & floors on fire

Photo of the 18th century style Bake Oven recently completed at Wilderness Road State Park's Martin's Station.
Members Public

Cows, thunder, & how ancients exploited ceremonial roles

Photo of bloody tree by Julian Paolo Dayag via Unsplash
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Ritual murder, burnt food, & the afterlife

Painting of Sigurd and Brynhild by Charles Butler 1909
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Ancient Identities

Historical tips for worldbuilding complex cultures

Ancient Identities
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Domestic Storage Behavior

The relationship between food storage & complex government

corn in a basket
Members Public

Siliceous skeletons & the origin of clear glass windows

Image of blown glass goblets via Tash Guimond of Unsplash
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The Offer

Wars are won in the hearts of men

Photo of snowy terrain near the sea by Sami Anas from Pexels
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Ancient intersections between art & security

Photo of stamp and seal by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels
Members Public

Beauty in the cactus and the rose

Photo of flowering cactus by Noel Ross from Pexels