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Eleanor Konik

I write stories & articles inspired by all eras of history & science... so I wind up putting notetaking software like Obsidian & Readwise thru their paces.

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🌠 Plugin graphs & academic tools

Tasks now supports custom statuses, table experiences are enhanced, & there are new tricks for emacs users.

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🎓 Feces

Antiseptic poop, agricultural poop, & the surprising value of eating poop.

🎓 Feces
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🌠 More LLM Integrations & Sample Notes for Cooking, Workouts, etc.

Obsidian's nominated for a Golden Kitty in Productivity, there's a new RGB theme. Plus, fancy new dataview & templater scripts for day planning & YouTube metadata.

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🌲 My favorite productivity app that isn't a productivity app

Old, simple tools are often still useful, especially when paired with a practice of frequent check-ins with your goals and mental state.

a lion wearing protective goggles that reflect blue icebergs via Midjourney
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🎓 Cleaning

Quick facts about historical cleaning methods from around the world, from lotus leaves to bronze knives.

a small group cleaning out a midden pit via MidJourney AI
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🌠 Use Cases for Canvas & New Courses and Sample Vaults

Mobile has Canvas now, you can render 3D model files, and there's a new Clockify integration.

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📰 Food as Currency

On the origins of agriculture, money, & currency

A basket full of dried cocoa beans being traded at a mayan market via the MidJourney AI bot.
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🎓 Sleep

Ancient science, modern discoveries, & animals that sleep with one eye open

Photo of dolphins swimming away from the camera by Daniel Torobekov
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🌠 AI, Canvas, Terminal & Tasks plugins

Improvements to academic workflows, an upcoming successor to Dataview, and the return of AnuPpuccin.

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🎓 Smiths

Dark smiths, copper quirks, & imperial armourers

A man creating small tin items in front of a fire in a moderately crowded indoor market, via MidJourney