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Eleanor Konik

I write stories & articles inspired by all eras of history & science... so I wind up putting notetaking software like Obsidian & Readwise thru their paces.

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🌲 Writing to Formula: Beyond Plotting vs. Pantsing

Writing to formula using an outline that follows pre-canned benchmarks like in the hero's journey is like using a compass to draw a circle.

Guernica by Picasso, 1937, Museo Reina Sofia
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Karen Haegemans on Elissa of Carthage

The historicity of Dido, founder of Carthage

Dido Building Carthage aka The Rise of the Carthaginian Empire by J. M. W. Turner
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Book Review: Genesis

Ken Lozito on colonizing a dangerous planet

Book Review: Genesis
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Prisons & Punishment

Conceptions of Justice in SFF

Eastern State Penitentiary Nicolas Raymond
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On Removing Monuments to White Supremacists

Iconoclasm is as old as monuments

Lee Surrenders to Grant
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Female Judges as Rulers

Biblical Deborah & Andamana of the Canary Islands

Deborah and Barak against Sisera
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Women & Militaristic Cultures

The relationship between fierce reputations and women's rights

Tuareg men are fierce, but their women hold more power than most.
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Prophecy & Language

The word for when foretellings come true

What do you see in the crystal ball?
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Maritime Empires

The Phoenician gap in our understanding

The Carthage of the Punic Wars was founded by the Phoenicians of Tyre.
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It’s Not Harmless Talk: On Sexual Assault

Don't tell me being friends with people who have sketchy attitudes toward women and sex, with people who joke about sexual assault, is no big deal.

It’s Not Harmless Talk: On Sexual Assault