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Eleanor Konik

I write stories & articles inspired by all eras of history & science... so I wind up putting notetaking software like Obsidian & Readwise thru their paces.

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Herding giant vegetarian spiders for their silk: a plausibility deep dive

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Civilizations Thrive in Adverse Environments

Survival when the challenges seem insurmountable

Photo of village between mountain and swamp by Nico Becker from Pexels
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The mill & the stone in fire & flood

Photo of waterwheel by Ali Arapoğlu from Pexels
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Wild Asian Ass (no, really)

Image via Wikimedia Commons
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From biowaste to feather-light insulators

Flower atop aerogel sliver atop flame, not burning, via Wikipedia
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Single purpose livestock with a weird relationship to gender

Photo of tusked boar by Magda Ehlers from Pexels
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Transportation combination: getting a horse to power a boat

Photo of Monty the horseboat horse via Michael Weir at Unsplash.
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Transporting Information

Sending messages in low tech societies

Painting by Frederic Remington showing native americans generating a smoke signal; Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth
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Burials with dyed bones & deadfall stones

Photo of stone monument by Yunus of Pexels.
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Toxic beetles, weird pets, and unusual foods

Photo of ladybug by NIKOLAY OSMACHKO from Pexels