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Eleanor Konik

I write stories & articles inspired by all eras of history & science... so I wind up putting notetaking software like Obsidian & Readwise thru their paces.

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Fighting giants with snakes in the butt

Photo of ants on a log via Pexels
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2021-12-18: Gems of the Year, Vim Mode, & RTL Support

There's a new sample plugin for the Codemirror 6, which developers can now access the API for.

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Deserts are wonderful — and vulnerable

Photo of desert lightning via Pexels
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Science & Salamanders: On Revitalization in Nature

Photo of octopus by Diane Picchiottino of Unsplash
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2021-12-11: Nominate Gems of the Year & a new book club

National Novel Writing Month reflections, a bunch of helpful stuff for theme developers, & more tips for students.

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Sometimes quitting is the right choice

Photo of cypress forest by Eoin Anderson on Unsplash
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Fibrous nets, orca attacks, & millennia of maintenance

Photo of 3 men with large fish nets by Quang Nguyen Vinh from Pexels
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2021-12-03: Obsidian October winners & a ton of TTRPG stuff

Great & tools for theme developers, a new plugin for chat formatting, & a new method for diagram support.

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2021-Dec Updates

I did not win National Novel Writing Month, but I wrote over 30k words!

2021-Dec Updates
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The Black Stones of Sanctuary

How a building can be too clean for comfort

Photo of black stones by Eva Elijas from Pexels