2021-09-25: Obsidian October: develop stuff for a chance to earn prizes!

In The Community

  • The Obsidian developers are doing an "Obsidian October" initiative / contest to encourage people to polish off their WIP plugins and themes, or even try their hand at developing one for the first time. Winners will get hundreds of dollars in credit to spend on Obsidian services; the top winner, as determined by a panel of community judges, will get a custom trophy. Even if you don't win, they're picking 3 random people to earn rewards too. Learn more on the new Obsidian publish hub.  Here's the forum thread for sharing your progress.
  • Anne-Laure Le Cunff interviewed @Silver (Erica Xu) about why she developed Obsidian and the process of developing the community.
  • Nick Milo featured content creator Mike Schmitz as part of the LYT House series awhile back — the recording is now on YouTube. Ditto David Sparks talking about how he uses Obsidian.
  • There's now a community maintained vault intended to become a centralized hub for obsidian resources.

Obsidian Updates

  • Obsidian Sync increased the size limit of each remote vault from 4 GB to 10 GB. Here's a video from Santi about how Sync works.

Plugin News


  • There's a new plugin to add more shortcuts for LaTeX.
  • It looks like the folks over at Club MacStories are trying out a business model for paid plugins: if you subscribe to the ClubMacStories newsletter you can get access to their Todoist Tasks, Markdown links, and Markdown embeds plugins. Here's their Twitter announcement.
  • Metadataframe lets users extract all the metadata in a vault into a CSV file.
  • Prominent Starred Notes adds stars to starred notes in the file explorer.
  • Local images finds hotlinked images in your notes, downloads and saves them locally and finally adjusts the link in your note to point to the local file.
  • MarginNote Companion lets users use MarginNote 3 to read and create text/area excerpt on PDF files and easily import notes to obsidian with backlinks to MarginNote. It synergizes with Media Extended to support importing video notes.
  • If you play music and want to use Obsidian to keep track of scores, check out Scales & Chords.
  • Here's a hotkey for superscript.
  • Here's a plugin designed to help users use Obsidian as a Read It Later app.
  • Here's a plugin to let you change the playback speed of audio files in Obsidian.



  • Cross Reference Navigation lets you navigate through notes using their tags. I don't have a great short explanation for it but it's kind of like a kanban board for your tags, and it's got a gorgeous interface. It's still in beta, but the author has an incredible website and vision. Highly recommend clicking through. Here's a youtube demo if you prefer those.

For Developers

Feature Requests


Ancillary Code



  • You can use .txt files and the text as md plugin to omit certain files from the quick switcher and Obsidian's core search without having to worry about filtering.
  • If you are not already familiar with what the insert key on some keyboards does, please copy and paste this paragraph into a text file, find the "Insert" or "Ins" key on your keyboard, put your cursor into the middle of the paragraph, and start typing... because I'm pretty sure this is the most common recurring bug report we get. A surprising number of people aren't familiar with this incredibly obnoxious key on their keyboard.
  • This is your periodic reminder to back up your files responsibly and regularly.


In The Wild

  • Here's a digital garden from a creator who describes himself as a researcher, musician, designer, photographer and filmmaker. If you like checking out robust public vaults with lots of notes that aren't about notetaking, I highly recommend it! It's a neat example of the LYT methodology.

Ancillary Tools
